Nexthop AS9507 BGP Communities

The following keys are used in our BGP community schema

BGP Community Lookup Table

Region and Sub-Region (RS)

Region Name R Sub Region Name S
Australia / NZ (Oceania) 1 NSW & ACT 1
Australia / NZ (Oceania) 1 VIC 2
Australia / NZ (Oceania) 1 QLD 3
Australia / NZ (Oceania) 1 WA 4
Australia / NZ (Oceania) 1 SA 5
Australia / NZ (Oceania) 1 NT 6
Australia / NZ (Oceania) 1 TAS 7
North America 2 LA 1
Asia 3 Singapore 1
Asia 3 Japan 2

Networks (NN)

Network Name NN
ALL Providers 00
Edge IX 01
Equinix IX 02
Telstra 04
Optus 05
Coresite Any2IX 06
Colt 08
All Peering 98
All Transit 99

Connection Points (CCC)

Connection Point CCC
ALL Peering 700
EdgeIX NSW 701
EdgeIX QLD 702
EdgeIX VIC 703
EdgeIX WA 704
Equinix IX Sydney 708
Equinix IX Singapore 710
Coresite Any2West IX 711
BBIX Japan/Tokyo 712
All Transit 800
Telstra NSW 801
Telsra QLD 802
Telstra VIC 803
Telstra WA 804
Optus NSW 808
Optus QLD 809
Optus VIC 810
Optus WA 811
RETN Singapore 812
Colt Tokyo 813

BGP Action (A)

BGP Action A
Do not advertise 0
Prepend x 1 1
Prepend x 2 2
Prepend x 3 3

Action Communities

Standard Communities

Community Description
9507:666 Blackhole

Region (R) and Network (NN) Actions (A) - 9507:RNNA

9507:RNNA (R - Region, NN - Network, A - Action)


Community Region Network Action
9507:1000 Australia (1) All Providers (00) Do not advertise (0)
9507:9021 All (9) Equinix IX (02) Prepend x 1 (1)
9507:9982 All (9) All Peering (98) Prepend x 2 (2)
9507:9040 All (9) Telstra (04) Do not advertise (0)

Connection Point (CCC) Actions (A) - 9507:CCCA

9507:CCCA (CCC - Connection Point, A - Action)


Community Connection Point Action
9507:7010 Edge IX NSW (701) Do not advertise (0)
9507:8081 Optus NSW (808) Prepend x 1 (1)

Information Communities

Connection Point (CCC) - 9507:CCC

9507:CCC (CCC - Connection Point)

Please note: 700 (All peering) and 800 (All transit) currently aren't used

Region (R) Sub Region (S) Network (NN) - 9507:1RSNN

9507:1RSNN (R - Region, S - Sub Region, NN - Network)