The following keys are used in our BGP community schema
Region Name | R | Sub Region Name | S |
Australia / NZ (Oceania) | 1 | NSW & ACT | 1 |
Australia / NZ (Oceania) | 1 | VIC | 2 |
Australia / NZ (Oceania) | 1 | QLD | 3 |
Australia / NZ (Oceania) | 1 | WA | 4 |
Australia / NZ (Oceania) | 1 | SA | 5 |
Australia / NZ (Oceania) | 1 | NT | 6 |
Australia / NZ (Oceania) | 1 | TAS | 7 |
North America | 2 | LA | 1 |
Asia | 3 | Singapore | 1 |
Asia | 3 | Japan | 2 |
ALL | 9 |
Network Name | NN |
ALL Providers | 00 |
Edge IX | 01 |
Equinix IX | 02 |
RETN | 03 |
Telstra | 04 |
Optus | 05 |
Coresite Any2IX | 06 |
BBIX | 07 |
Colt | 08 |
All Peering | 98 |
All Transit | 99 |
Connection Point | CCC |
ALL Peering | 700 |
EdgeIX NSW | 701 |
EdgeIX QLD | 702 |
EdgeIX VIC | 703 |
EdgeIX WA | 704 |
Equinix IX Sydney | 708 |
Equinix IX Singapore | 710 |
Coresite Any2West IX | 711 |
BBIX Japan/Tokyo | 712 |
All Transit | 800 |
Telstra NSW | 801 |
Telsra QLD | 802 |
Telstra VIC | 803 |
Telstra WA | 804 |
Optus NSW | 808 |
Optus QLD | 809 |
Optus VIC | 810 |
Optus WA | 811 |
RETN Singapore | 812 |
Colt Tokyo | 813 |
BGP Action | A |
Do not advertise | 0 |
Prepend x 1 | 1 |
Prepend x 2 | 2 |
Prepend x 3 | 3 |
Set NOEXPORT | 9 |
Community | Description |
9507:666 | Blackhole |
9507:RNNA (R - Region, NN - Network, A - Action)
Community | Region | Network | Action |
9507:1000 | Australia (1) | All Providers (00) | Do not advertise (0) |
9507:9021 | All (9) | Equinix IX (02) | Prepend x 1 (1) |
9507:9982 | All (9) | All Peering (98) | Prepend x 2 (2) |
9507:9040 | All (9) | Telstra (04) | Do not advertise (0) |
9507:CCCA (CCC - Connection Point, A - Action)
Community | Connection Point | Action |
9507:7010 | Edge IX NSW (701) | Do not advertise (0) |
9507:8081 | Optus NSW (808) | Prepend x 1 (1) |
9507:CCC (CCC - Connection Point)
Please note: 700 (All peering) and 800 (All transit) currently aren't used
9507:1RSNN (R - Region, S - Sub Region, NN - Network)